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Saturday, October 08, 2005

Mullah Jannati: "Sometimes we are overcome with fear"

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
84-year-old Mullah Jannati, the Secretary of the Guardian Council of the regime, in one of his grandstanding Friday Prayer sermons, mentioning the regime's nuclear crisis, revealed the deep fear and distress of several top brass of the Islamic regime where the referral of the IRI dossier to the U.N. Security Council is concerned. He said: "The problem with what we're doing is that sometimes fear gets the best of us and we can see that happening where the nuclear issues are concerned. We should not fear sanctions however because after all what we have developed in terms of our military industry and building missiles is quite progressive; we have developed these in spite of sanctions otherwise, we would be like those Arab countries who are chumps for their sustenance and then when the day comes that something goes wrong, they show just how two-faced and deceitful they really are. We are not looking to have sanctions put on us but if they do, we will not surrender. We are not as weak as they think. Westerners always defraud those who sit down to negotiate with them. I wish we had not started what we cannot finish."