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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The regime's Foreign Minister travels to China

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
According to the regime-run news agency, ILNA, Manouchehr Mot'taki, the foreign minister of the IRI will travel to China on Thursday for a series of meetings with Chinese authorities. During the two-day trip, Mot'taki will meet with the Chinese Foreign Minister, Li Zhaoxing and others to discuss the relationship between China and the Islamic Republic as well as regional and international issues.

Experts believe that Mot'taki's aim in travelling to China is to specifically discuss the regime's nuclear crisis. At present China is one of Iran's main clients for the purchase of oil and has therefore, along with Russia abstained from voting in favor of the resolution prepared by the Europeans at the last session of the IAEA's board of governors. China is also collaborating with the regime on both their nuclear and missile activities.