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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Return to Your Mosques, Before Destroying Iran

John Ross, American Daily:
Just as Hitler and the Nazis destroyed Germany and much of Europe, the Iranian Mullahs are about to trigger an international conflict, in response to their terrorist sponsorships, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) development program(s) and human rights abuses. READ MORE

Hiding behind religious activism, the theocratic dictators of Iran have somehow concluded that they can force their despotic will on others through terrorism, nuclear weapon threats and human rights abuses. The path the Iranian Mullahs have placed Iran on will end, as a minimum, in a total economic and societal collapse of Iran, or, very conceivably, in a military exchange with the United States and others.

Reading the handwriting on the wall, many savvy Iranians are already moving their ill be gotten gains to banks in other countries, before they lose the ability to escape. Concurrently, the Iranian stock market is losing huge sums of money, on a daily basis. Demonstrations against the regime occur almost daily by students, oppressed women and minorities in the northwest and the south of Iran, further indicting the fragile regimes lack of popular support.

Compounding the social inequities that the despotic Mullahs subject the average Iranian to is only surpassed by their greed and corruption. Controlling all oil revenues and nearly all business transactions across the entire country, huge sums of Iranian capital have been moved to “safe” countries where officials cooperate with the Mullahs. The richest Mullah, purportedly, is Ali Hashshemi Rafsanjani who reportedly is worth more than 25-billion dollars. Large sums of his ill be gotten wealth has been stashed in Ghana, which is the country that Kofi Annan, the U.N. Secretary General, is from. Begging the question: Is the U.N., through Kofi Annan, being used, similar to the Iraqi Oil-For Food scandal, to keep the Mullahs in power and when will these allegations be investigated?

The Iraqis have their referendum behind them now and the Iranian people who have been promised an opportunity to determine the form of government they want must also occur. Dictating their will to ensure they remain in power, the Mullahs cite Islamic, or Sharia law that, by and large, is not wanted by the majority of Iranians. The German Furher, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and all the other despots have used the same old excuses the Iranian Mullahs are using to stay in power. Hiding behind their religion, the Iranian Mullahs are, obviously, no different then the fascists of World War II that killed as many as 50-million people.

Blatantly supporting terrorism, threatening the free world with WMDs, brutalizing their own people to stay in power and, apparently, manipulating the U.N. Secretary General with cash, the Mullahs need to quietly go back to their Mosques. Believing that they, the Mullahs, can impose their form of 7th century Islam on the world will only bring more death and destruction to Iran. The world will not tolerate radical Islamic terrorists, or the Iranian Mullahs that provide the resources they use to kill and maim innocent men, women and children for power.

Go back to your Mosques before more innocent people that do not want your 7th century ideology are killed and maimed. Let the Iranian people decide for themselves the form of government they truly want, not what the brutal and greedy Mullahs and their radical followers and family members want.

John Ross writes to share knowledge, not for recognition. He lives on the Soutern Left Coast.