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Monday, October 24, 2005

Tuesday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 10.24.2005:

Sen. Brownback: Spend Iran Democracy Money

Six months after announcing a plan to give $3 million to promote democracy in Iran, the U.S. State Department has yet to release the funds, says a USA Today report.

Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., who put the $3 million in the budget, expressed frustration: "This money should be made available immediately for those seeking to express their opposition to the hard-line Islamic government and to promote internationally recognized human rights."

Tom Casey, a State Department spokesman, said the delay is bureaucratic. "There are no outside political considerations affecting these decisions," he said.

State Department spokesman Sean McCormack noted that projects to promote democracy had indeed been approved over the summer. However, no funds have been dispersed, he said, because the decision came too close to the beginning of the new fiscal year, which began Oct. 1.

McCormack added that the administration isn't planning to announce grantees for fear they would be harmed by the Iranian government. READ MORE
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • Michael Ledeen, The National Review reported on our earlier report of Ahmadinejad's cabinet's agreement with the "12th Imam," the Islamic savior who allegedly has been in hiding for centuries in a well in Isfhan. A must read for policy makers.
  • ET, A View from Iran provided interesting insight into the Iranian attitude towards the regime's mandated public Ramadan fast. During Ramadan in Iran, you can’t eat or drink in public unless you are a traveler or are sick.
  • Reporters Without Borders reiterated its outrage at the treatment of journalist Akbar Ganji and reported disturbing updates on his condition.
  • Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting reported that the Islamic Republic of Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki arrived in Moscow.
  • Dow Jones Newswires reported that U.S. National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley arrived in Moscow.
  • Alexander Reuto, Jommersant reported that Moscow intends to convince Tehran to compromise or Russia will wash its hands of its opposition to referring Iran the UN Security Council.
  • Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting reported that Iran may consider holding talks with the United States, if...
  • Thomas C. Schelling, The Wall Street Journal wonders, while we have enjoyed 60 years without nuclear weapons exploded in anger can we make it through another half dozen decades?
  • Shahram Kholdi, ScanIranic pubished a report of an appeal hearing of Webloggers from the Holy City of Qom, plus an update.
  • Winston, The Spirit of Man published videos of Americans in Iran. Worthwhile viewing.
  • Business Week reported that just months after Iran elected Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as President, the conservatives are fighting among themselves and business capital is fleeing the country.