Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Sports photographer beaten to near death by regime’s disciplinary forces

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
The regime’s media reports that in the end of the soccer match between Persepolis and Malavon teams, Heshmatollah Bahadori, a sports photographer was attacked and beaten to near death by the regime’s disciplinary forces in front of thousands of spectators, players and reporters. When people tried to rush to the photographers’ aid, the vicious guards physically threatened them as well.

An eyewitness said: “The guards picked the photographer up off the ground and continued to slam him up against the windows under the spectator’s seating. There were several huge guards against one slender photographer. When the victim finally attempted to stand, the guards pushed him to the wall and kept slamming him with their fists.

He was rushed to the hospital and is listed in critical condition.