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Monday, December 19, 2005

Iran Condemns EU Positions as 'Unacceptable'

Islamic Republic News Agency:
European Union High Representative for a Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana met Iranian ambassador to Brussels, Ali Ahani on Monday and conveyed to him the 'great concern' of EU leaders about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's statements concerning Israel.

Solana's spokesperson, Cristina Gallach, told IRNA that the meeting was 'cordial but clear'.

On his part, Ahani expressed the Islamic Republic's condemnation of the 'hasty, intolerant and unacceptable' EU positions to even listen to different views and reflections, Iranian diplomatic sources told IRNA. READ MORE

Gallach noted that the EU foreign policy chief knows Ahani for a long time and has a 'good working relationship with him'.

"The message was transparent and clear," she said.

EU leaders meeting in Brussels on Friday issued a statement condemning the Iranian President's views on Holocaust and the Zionist state.

Ahani explained to Solana Iran's position on Palestine and he strongly condemned the EU's silence over Israeli inhuman, oppressive and suppressive policies against the Palestinian people.

The Iranian envoy pointed out to the marginalization of the rights of Muslims in Europe and the rising Islamophobia.

Ahani handed to Solana a copy of the letter sent by Iranian Foreign Minister Manoucher Mottaki to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan last week, expressing Iran's concern over the increasing human rights violations of the US linked with secret prisons and flights in Europe and Islamophobia in the West.

Moreover, Ahani lodged Iran's official protest to Solana over recent comments made by the President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barrosso on Iran.

"The Iranian nation does not permit that others should dictate to them what government and president they should elect," said Ahani.

Last week, Barroso was quoted saying that the Iranian people 'do not have the president or the regime they deserve'.