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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Iran's new mandatory Chador

Alan Peters: Editors note: Modern Iranian women have been pushing the limits. Althought they have been required to wear the veil they have added a modern touch.
Sources inside of Iran are saying that President Ahmadi-Nejad's has decree that in future all women had to wear a black tent-like garment called a "chador" (literally meaning a tent) and would no longer be permitted to wear long coats and headscarves. This is as close to a Burkha as Iranian tradition goes.

Examples of modern Iranian women:

But Ahmadinejad is preparing to enforce the dress below:

The women of Iran are likely to oppose this aggressively.
The name “Alan Peters” is a nom de plume for a writer who was for many years involved in intelligence and security matters in Iran. He had significant access inside Iran at high levels during the rule of the Shah, until early 1979.