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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Political Prisoner Mehrdad Lohrasbi suffers grave illness in the horrific Rejaiishahr prison

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
Kianoosh Sanjari, Draft Copy Blog:

In a phone conversation [from prison] with his family, Mehrdad Lohrasbi reported that he was suffering from grave internal illnesses; the pain in his legs is intolerable as well. The prison infirmary refuses to examine and treat him; instead they pump him with psychotropic drugs.

The authorities of the prison have told him that in order to be admitted to the proper hospital for treatment, he must put up in excess of $22,000 bail with the courts and prepay his hospital fees so that a writ for a medical furlough could be issued.

Mehrdad Lohrasbi, who along with Abbass Deldar, are the last two remaining prisoners of the massive July 1999 student uprisings and has been in prison since then, does not have the means to put up that amount of money. READ MORE

Lohrasbi has been in prison for 6 years so far and is asking the defenders of human rights in Iran and around the world to assist him in obtaining the desperately needed medical furlough.

Last week a group of political prisoners were transferred from the horrific Rejaiishahr Prison of the Tehran suburb of Karadj to Evin Prison in Tehran, however Lohrasbi along with Amir Saran, Behrooz Javid-Tehrani, and several other political prisoners who are also in grave physical danger are being held in a ward where murderers, drug smugglers and criminals of all sorts are detained.