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Monday, December 05, 2005

Straw: Nuke Blueprint Evidence of Iran's Program

Kerala News:
British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw believes that a blue print for making an atom bomb that was found in Iran and traced back to the Dr AQ Khan network could be part of the ‘circumstantial evidence' for taking Tehran's case to the UN Security Council.

Official records reveal that Straw told MPs: The evidence, which originally came from a document from the AQ Khan Research Laboratories in Pakistan, tells us that the Iranians had in their possession information that could lead to the development of the hemispheres, which for certain have no purpose other than the development of nuclear weapons”.

It is my working belief that Iran is at the very least developing the options for a nuclear weapons programme... What the evidence does not tell us for certain is what Iran intended to do with that. It is a piece of circumstantial evidence and we need to treat it as such,” Straw added. READ MORE

Also the document, provided to the IAEA by Iran, is in addition to the “old and discarded parts of centrifuges”, which Pakistan had sent to the IAEA earlier this year for comparative analysis, reports the Dawn.

Reports said that London and Washington was using the document to convince Moscow and Beijing at various levels that Tehran intended to build nuclear weapons, as well as ask the IAEA for more intrusive inspections of the nuclear facilities.

“We have been involved in intensive discussions with the Russian and Chinese governments-at head of state and government level, as well as foreign minister and senior official level-and I believe that they are likely to bear significant fruit,” Straw said, adding that EU foreign ministers and officials were in continuous touch over the issue.