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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The vision of the Islamic leadership

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
KAYHAN, Khamnei’s newspaper, in its Thursday, December 1st issue defended its murderous and terrorist ways by defining it as “The Vision of the Islamic leadership”.

This newspaper described the mixing of girls and boys in society as anti-Islamic and called to have as many of them killed. The publication quoted “an anonymous readerwho in a letter to the editor, wrote: Yesterday I saw five girls and boys in a car together, sitting in mixed company, laughing and enjoying themselves. If I had a gun I would have pumped bullets into every one of them and if my penalty was to be death, I would have been considered a martyr [by those who count] and in the years to come I would have been well-though-of and respected. Why doesn’t the judiciary take advantage of the leaderships vision?