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Sunday, January 01, 2006

Ahmadinejad says Zionist Crimes Same as Nazi Crimes

Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Monsters and Critics:
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the crimes committed by Zionists against the Palestinians were the same as the crimes committed by the Nazis in the Second World War, the news agency ISNA reported Sunday. 'One question to be clarified by the West is what crimes did they commit in those days (Second World War) what the Zionists are not doing today,' Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying by ISNA.

'Zionism is de facto neo-fascism,' Ahmadinejad added in question and answer session carried by ISNA.

His remarks were a continuation of a steady stream of anti-Israeli rhetoric which included hoping for 'the eradication of Israel' and calling the Holocaust - the systematic mass murder of six million Jews in Europe by Nazi Germany during World War Two - a 'fairy tale'.

Ahmadinejad accused the Europeans of having continued their anti- Semitism simply by throwing the Jews out of Europe.

'One of the main aims for creation of the Qods (Jerusalem) occupying regime (Israel) and transferring the Jews to there (Palestine) was the continuation of (the European) anti-Jewish stance,' Ahmadinejad said.

'The best option was elimination of Jews from Europe so they threw the Jews out of Europe - itself some sort of ethnic and religious cleansing,' he alleged.

'And at the same time (they) established a Jewish camp with the aim to form an European apophysis with a Zionist and anti-Islamic nature in the Islamic region,' Ahmadinejad was further quoted as saying by ISNA.

Ahmadinejad added that although there are two official and unofficial versions of the Holocaust in Europe, 'the issue has never ever been discussed publicly and instead turned into a red line (taboo) and irrevocable legend.

'If even no exaggeration in history and so many Jews have indeed been killed, then why are Moslems the subject of revenge and why does Europe not pay the price,' Ahmadinejad said.

The Iranian president said Judaism should be distinguished from Zionism, asserting that Jews in Islamic countries like Iran have always lived in security with religious freedom and will do so in the future.

'Zionism however is a Western ideology and an imperialistic idea created by the Britons which follows secular aims and fascist methods and currently killing Moslems with the help and direct lead of the United States and parts of Europe,' the president added. READ MORE

Ahmadinejad's renewed anti-Israeli statement is the fourth within less than three months. His remarks have so far been supported by his government, the parliament and the revolutionary guards.

His political opponents however, such as his predecessors Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani and Mohammad Khatami, have criticised Ahmadinejad for the remarks fearing international tensions and a political isolation of Iran.

Rafsanjani said last month that Iran was not after adventurism in the region and believes that all decisions regarding Palestine should be taken by Palestinians themselves only.
Ahmadinejad continues his attacks on the Zionists. A must read. But the article concludes with a veiled suggestion that the rest of the Iranian leadership do not share his views. Ahamdinejad is not saying anything Iranian leaders have said repeatedly over the years. The only difference is that Ahmadinejad makes the assertion boldly while others such as Rafsanjani and Khatami make much more nuanced statements intended to conceal their true objectives.