Monday, January 16, 2006

Straw: 'No Rush' to Iran Sanctions

Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said that there should be no "rush" to international sanctions on Iran over its controversial nuclear programme. Officials from Europe, the United States, Russia and China are meeting in London to discuss the call last week by the so-called E3 of Britain, France and Germany for Iran to be referred to the United Nations Security Council.

Speaking at a conference on international terrorism at the Royal United Services Institute, Mr Straw emphasised that a referral to the Security Council did not necessarily mean economic sanctions. READ MORE

He said the authority of the Security Council in itself could be enough to bring Iran back into compliance over its nuclear programme.

"I don't think we should rush our fences here. There are plenty of examples where a matter is referred to the Security Council and the Security Council takes action and that action is followed without sanction," he said.

"The fact that Iran is so concerned not to see it referred to the Security Council underlines the strength of that body."