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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Iran's friends in Iraq seized the power

Mehran Riazaty: Iran Analyst
ISNA On February 06, 06 -Iran's Interior Minister Security Deputy, Brigadier General Zolghadr said that victory for Islamic Revolution doesn’t mean a short period in which revolution started and finished. "It doesn’t mean that Islamic Revolution's aims and mottoes have been forgotten. In that period, Taghoot (the previous regime before Islamic Revolution) failed and a new political system named Islamic Revolution has been established", he added. "Hegemonic countries that are against Islamic Revolution, show their most hostility and this will be continued," said Zolghadr adding that Islamic Revolution has friends and enemies and all those free and oppressed people who know Iran as their shelter, are among our friends. "Because of U.S. intensified hostility against Iran's nation and because of its hegemonic character, it is impossible for Iran to have a friendly relationship with it, unless one of two sides gives up its principles," he emphasized. "Americans tried to establish a dependent regime in Iraq and increase their pressure on Iran, but their policies in Iraq were failed and today, Iran's friends in Iraq seized the power," he continued. READ MORE

Analyst Comment: In above statement General Zolghadr said that because of differences of principles between Iran and the United State it is impossible for them to have a relationship. The Iranian authorities are calling the United States hegemonic power. By reading between the lines of General Zolghadr’s statement we realize that the Iranian authorities themselves are after becoming hegemonic power in the world. Zolghadr said that using victory term for Islamic Revolution doesn’t mean a short period in which revolution started and finished in Iran.

Mehr News On January 5, 06- Ahmadinejad said. “We don’t shy away from declaring that Islam is ready to rule the world."

Furthermore, IRIB On February 2, 06- Iran’s Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, who was born in Iraq and used to be the head of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) in early 1980s, said that we need to promote Ayatollah Khomeini's ideas in the World of Islam.

Zolghadr noted that Islamic Revolution has friends and enemies and all those free and oppressed people who know Iran as their shelter, are among our friends. Zolghadr clearly indicating that all the terrorist organizations who are opposing the United States polices have shelters in Iran (Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and al Qaida). The Hamas and Hezbollah are already having offices in Iran.

Mehran Riazaty: a former Iran analyst for the Central Command of the Coalition Forces in Baghdad.