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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Islamic regime threatens to execute all political prisoners

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi.
Kousha Website reports: A few days ago political prisoners were threatened with mass execution if the regimes nuclear dossier is referred to the United Nations Security Council. Political prisoner, Valiollah Fayz-Mahdavi was distinctly threatened by Mohammad Djaroui, warden of ward 6 of Gowhardasht prison; Djaroui specifically told Fayz-Mahdavi: In the case of the regimes referral to the Security Council each and every one of you will be put to death.’ Hodjat Zamani was abruptly taken away [from his cell] and he has not as of yet either been returned to his cell or known to have been transferred elsewhere either.

Iran Press News Several other political prisoners who have been sentenced to death are: Gholamhossein Kolbee, Khaled Hardani, Mansour Pour-Farhang, Shahram Pour-Farhang and Alireza Khayrabadi who are all being detained in Evin Prison. The prosecutors office and the national prison offices of both Evin and Gowhardasht prisons have circulated the news about last weeks apparent hanging of political prisoner Hodjat Zamani and have explicitly notified the others that their executions are imminent.

It is of course all done out of utter cowardice, to kill the weak and take revenge on subjugated and bound prisoners at the spur of the moment; that has long been the way of tyranny.”