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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Reza Pahlavi's Communique Regarding Iran's Nuclear Crisis
As the Islamic republic enters its 28th year of continuous crisis, Iran faces the biggest danger of its contemporary history.

This time around, it is no longer a question of defending the country's integrity against a smaller neighbour by sacrificing seven hundred thousand of our bravest compatriots while leaving behind two million handicapped and millions of mourning families. A sacrifice aggravated in its abysmal dimensions by the incredible political and military mismanagement of the Islamic republic's decision makers.

With time, the true nature of the regime has surfaced and its ultimate objectives have become clear to all. Today, with poverty and widespread economic crisis deepening each day, the regime is no longer in any position to face a united front of the world's democratic powers.

Generating crisis after crisis finds its roots in the very foundations of the regime: the raison d'tre of the Islamic republic resides, not in the defence of Iran's national interests, but in the export of the regime's theocratic model throughout the world. The regime's constitution clearly states the need to "build an ideological army capable of expanding the sovereignty of the law of allah over the entire world." To this end, the regime has used any means at its disposal, from supporting terrorist groups and religious extremism to interfering in regional countries' internal affairs. Thus, the very foundation of international trust vis-a-vis the Islamic regime has been seriously eroded.

Clearly, peoples of the world, who cherish their freedom and refuse to live under an Islamist theocracy, find themselves on a collision course with the Islamic republic. Therefore, it is the expansionist nature of the Islamic regime that has become the main obstacle to the realization of the inalienable right of the people of Iran to access nuclear technology. Don't we all remember that, prior to the establishment of the Islamic republic in Iran, France, Germany and the United States were competing with each other in order to provide our country with the latest and safest nuclear technology? Have we forgotten that it was America's best-known institute of technology that tailored an advanced program in order to educate and train Iranian students in mastering nuclear science? With the pursuit of those programs, by now we would have been in possession of 30 nuclear power stations of the highest standards capable of providing 36 thousand megawatts of electricity, which could sustain a more advanced industrial country than today's Iran.

Instead, with each passing day, the regime's ongoing confrontation with the rest of the world further erodes the economic foundations of our country. Massive capital and brain drains, along with the combination of inflation and recession, poverty and unemployment, all contribute to the regime's inability to satisfy our people's basic needs. Therefore, by creating crisis after crisis at both national and international levels, the regime intends to divert our attention from its own intrinsic incapability. Even when common sense should open their eyes to the collective destruction that hovers on the horizon as a direct result of the foolish path they have chosen, the regime's decision makers refuse to face reality and, instead, abandon themselves to a mystic trance in which the looming disaster is interpreted as divine sacrifice!

Blinded by their own ineptitude, chanting in chorus the same old and ill-fated tune that "war is a gift of god," the theocrats are rushing to a catastrophe far worse than the one they inflicted upon our land during the 8-year war with Iraq. However, they seem blind to the evidence that this time around they will not be able to secure the survival of their regime by yet another mystic masquerade.

Dear compatriots,

As the people of Iran, our historic responsibility is clear: before the disaster on the horizon becomes a reality, it is up to us to take control of the helm and get our country to the coasts of safety, peace and freedom. This priority is above partisan politics. All our differences will turn into constructive competitive energy the day when our people could go to the ballot box, free of oppression. But, until that day, these differences should not prevent us from uniting our forces and putting, in the name of the people of Iran, the following demands to those who play with our destiny READ MORE

1. We, the people of Iran demand that the Islamic Republic and the Euro-3, who have the support of the EU and the US disclose the details of the nuclear negotiations. Since our destiny depends on these negotiations, full disclosure of their details is our inalienable right.

2. We demand that the Islamic Republic fully disclose the report by the University of Tehran's experts on the environmental dangers caused by the Bushehr nuclear facility. We also demand that censorship be lifted so that a debate can be engaged in an atmosphere of free speech on the Bushehr plan that could directly impact the future of our children and the health and well being of coming generations.

3. We hold the Islamic parliament responsible, according to the obligations under its own constitution, to discuss and inform the people of Iran on the consequences of the nuclear policies of the Islamic Republic.

4. We warn all foreign powers against any military action aimed at our country while reminding them that the current diplomatic process will only buy further time for the regime to accomplish its race towards nuclear weapons. The only peaceful exit out of this crisis is an all-out effort for the establishment of democracy and Human Rights in Iran. Therefore, we ask that the world's democracies engage in a dialogue, including through the Organization of the United Nations, not only with the Islamic republic, which does not represent our people, but with those democratic forces and leaders who work for freedom and Human Rights in Iran.

5. We urge Iran's Armed Forces and all of those civil servants, who are fully aware that the only obstacle preventing them from fulfilling their duties towards the betterment of the lives of their compatriots resides, is the worldview of the leaders of the Islamic Republic. We ask them to join their fellow Iranians in our quest for freedom and dignity.

Dear compatriots,

Danger is real and time is short. With national solidarity, and guided by reason, our absolute priority is to end the reign of ignorance and injustice in our country and establish a political system respectful of human dignity, Human Rights and the well-being of our people.

May God Bless Iran

Reza Pahlavi