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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Monday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 3.20.2006:

UN Security Council Meet on Iran.
  • The Washington Post reported that Monday top U.N. members will try to break the stalemate on Iran.
BBC signs deal with Iran.
  • reported that the Iranian regime has signed a huge ad campaign with the BBC.
US students rally in support of Iranian students.
  • The Boston Globe reported that approximately 100 students gathered in Harvard University's Leverett House last night for a concert and rally to denounce repression of students in Iran. More events are scheduled at other campuses.
  • Rooz Online reported that a new wave of attacks on Iran’s university students is increasing, step by step.
The Oil Weapon.
  • Free Market News reported on the count-down to war with Iran and examined the mixed signals from crude oil, gold, and Tel Aviv.
  • TMC Net reported that Iran's OPEC governor said the use of oil as a weapon in the existing tension between Iran and the West over the Islamic regime's nuclear program won't be in the interest of either side.
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • reported that Gen. Casey, a top commander of U.S. forces expressed doubt that negotiations between the United States and Iran over Iraq would help bring peace and stability.
  • Rooz Online reported on last week's "Festival of Fire" and asked: So one wonders why has such a large armed force to watch out for just a few “thugs?” The answer may lie in their true but unexpressed intention of containing the whole event.
  • Rooz Online reported that on the eve of the meeting of the Experts Assembly for Leadership the leaders of the regime met to forge unity between them.
  • Photos of Iranian dissident Akbar Ganji a day after his release from prison.
  • And finally, Cox & Forkum published a cartoon: Worse.