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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Friday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 4.14.2006:

Congress holding up funding of Iranian opposition broadcasts into Iran?
  • Eli Lake, The New York Sun reported that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House appropriations panel are resisting administration efforts to fund independent Iranian broadcast efforts into Iran and instead want to solely fund Voice of America and Radio Farda. But Iranian opposition groups claim VOA and Radio Farda are undermining pro-democracy efforts inside of Iran.
ElBaradei leave Iran empty handed.
  • The Times reported that Mohamed ElBaradei delivered in person in Tehran a message from the four permanent Security Council members.
  • The New York Times reported that Mohamed ElBaradei's meeting with the Iranian ended Thursday night with no agreement.
IAEA can't confirm Iran's enrichment claim.
  • Reuters reported that the IAEA says it cannot confirm Iran's enrichment claim, yet.
Neither can The CIA?
  • CNN News reported that the CIA is doesn't know what exactly Iran's nuclear scientists up to.
US to demand more from UN on Iran.
  • The Washington Post reported that while the White House is saying "it is time for action" by the U.N. Security Council, there were no signs of consensus on what to do about it.
  • The Wall Street Journal reported that while Russia and China have resisted discussing even limited sanctions on Iran, U.S. officials appear ready to force the issue, challenging Moscow and Beijing to veto a resolution. U.S. officials say they don't believe either would do so.
Chinese heads to Iran.
  • Reuters reported that China will send a top envoy on arms control to Iran and Russia in an effort to defuse Iran's nuclear standoff with the West.
UN Pressure on Iran: Russia is the key.
  • Amir Taheri, New York Post argued that as the diplomatic maneuvers to pressure Iran to rein in its nuclear ambitions continue, the key is in Moscow.
Can the UN act in time?
  • The Times argued that Iran is racing down the nuclear route before the UN can put up a roadblock.
More evidence of leadership conflict in Iran?
  • Rooz Online reported on Rafsanjani's recent upstaging Ahmadinejad's "historic" nuclear announcement.
US poll on Iran.
  • The Los Angeles Times reported on their poll which claims that Americans are divided over the prospect of U.S. military action against Iran.
What a US attack on Iran might look like.
  • Kenneth R. Timmerman, interviewed retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney who outlined what an attack on Iran would likely entail; he calls it the "Big George" scenario.
Stratfor's analysis.
  • Stratfor reported that since Iran declared on Tuesday that it has "joined the club of nuclear countries." The question is what the Iranians hoped to achieve? The answer is rooted in the things that were not said.
  • Stratfor examined Iran's major advance in their country's nuclear program. Here is what it means -- and does not mean.
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • Arabic News reported that Rafsanjani said: the upcoming talks between Tehran and Washington on Iraq could, if they turn out to be successful, pave the way for talks on other issues.
  • Seattle PI reported that spy planes that Iran claims to have shot down over its territory were not operated by the U.S. Air Force.
  • Xinhua reported that Dutch authorities have suspended deportation of rejected homosexual and Christian asylum seekers to Iran.
  • Rooz Online published a cartoon: Ahmadinejad leading Iran over the cliff.
  • Cox & Forkum published a cartoon: Mild and Woolly.