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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Khamenei: Iran will endanger US interests worldwide if it is attacked by the United States

Mehran Riazaty: Iran Analyst
Today, FARS News Agency reported that Ayatollah Khamenei in a meeting with a group of workers, said that the US has been threatening Iran over the past 27 years since victory of the Islamic Revolution, because, American officials usually express themselves with the language of threat. He added that the Iranian nation and government advocate world peace and security and will never attack anyone in the future. But, if the US ventured into any aggression on Iran, Iran will retaliate by damaging the US interests worldwide with twice as much powerful as they do.

Today, the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) reported that the head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, General Yahya Rahim Safavi, also said that “If the enemies attack Iran, we will endanger their interests all over the world.”

Analyst Comment: Two years ago, the Ansar of Hezbollah said the same thing as what Ayatollah Khamenei said today. On July 18, 2004- Rouydad news agency reported that, after Ayatollah Khamenei’s recent visit to city of Hamedan, Ansar Hezbollah issued a statement saying thatIf enemies attack interests of Iran, no matter how small this attack would be, we will endanger all of their interests all over the world.”

This statement which was issued on July 14, 2004, under the title of “Leader, with just a gesture, we are ready to give up our life, said “Our people do not know any geographic borders. If enemies attack our regime, no matter how small the aims of this attack will be, we will attack the enemy deep in their country. READ MORE

This statement explains that World Wide Oppression (referring to the U.S.) must know that in the early years of the revolution, people and soldiers of Iran with limited supplies did unbelievable operations against the enemy inside and outside of Iran. And, also through an Islamic World Movement, Iran handicapped their enemies. Now with their experiences, if enemies attack Iran, even to test Iran’s power, they will know how Iranian people create hell all over the world.

Ansar Hezbollah added that “the nucleus of the Islamic resistance”, is ready not only in Iran, but all over the world. After they fire of the first bullet against world of Islam (Iran) they will create the world of darkness against them.

The last section of this statement concluded thatBasij (militias) of the world are ready for a Jihad order from the leader of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Khamenei, and children of Khomeini to create an epic in the world and bring down the worldwide oppression (the U.S.) and the Zionism.

The real name for “the nucleus of the Islamic resistance” is “Nucleus of Velayt (guardianship, or another name/title for Iran’s leader). From the beginning of the 2003 this group has been supported by the Islamic fundamentalist organizations in the Middle East and the Islamic Republic of Iran. One of the active members of the Ansar Hezbollah in Europe created nucleuses of resistance which are supported by unknown military and security organizations in Iran. In the beginning of 2004 the Ansar Hezbollah concentrated its activities in Iraq. This organization is recruiting members. The name of one of the leaders is Hussein Allah Karam.

Mehran Riazaty: a former Iran analyst for the Central Command of the Coalition Forces in Baghdad.

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