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Friday, April 14, 2006

New update from Student Committee of Human Rights Reporters

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi.
The trial of Dr. Farzad Hamidi that had originally been scheduled for Tuesday morning, April 11th in branch 26 of the revolutionary court was postponed due to the judge's absence. Dr. Hamidi while announcing this news added that he is charged with "acting against the security of the nation by taking part in a public protest". Hamidi who was the previous spokesman for the Democratic Front of Iran was arrested on June 2004 for taking part in a protest of the friends and families of political prisoners in front of the Tehran branch of the U.N.; he spent the first 10 months of his detention in the Rejaiishahr prison of the Tehran suburb of Karadj. Prior to that he had spent a year in the Qasr prison for his political activities and it had only been released on May of 2004 and had spent only one month at home when he was rearrested and tried.