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Monday, May 01, 2006

Regime organizes it’s own bogus international workers day ceremony in front of ex-U.S. embassy

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi.
Poster designed for the "real" May Day workers demonstration by The Organization of the Defense of Women's Rights

The Islamic regime is planning a May Day workers ceremony in front of the ex-U.S. embassy in Tehran, which will be trimmed with various signs such as “Death to America” and “Nuclear energy is our absolute right”. READ MORE

Hasan Sadeghi, the deputy secretary of the Islamic regime’s Workers House announced: “On May 1st, international workers day, there will be a tributary ceremony in front of the ex-U.S. embassy.”

A workers activist in Tehran commented: “The Islamic regime is only looking to use this occasion to their advantage; it is entirely clear that they have every intention of stirring the ceremony in a direction that has nothing to do with workers. If they cared anything for the nations workers they would organize the ceremony in front of either Ahmadinejad’s offices or the Majles (the Islamic parliament’s assembly – which is where workers protesting in Tehran have generally gathered to protest). The fact that Hasan Sadeghi has claimed that the workers issues will also be addressed is nothing more than a ruse.”

The Organization of the Defense of Women’s Rights in Iran has also issued a statement in which they have stressed: The fact that the regime, in an attempt to repress a massive workers day protest organized by and for the workers, has boasted that the workers have in fact already organized a ceremony in front of the ex-U.S. embassy!!

We women and men workers of Iran cannot be used by the Islamic regime for their propaganda and whims and we would like to declare that what we need is jobs, shelter, food…not nuclear weapons and fuel! If they spent the money and budgets on long-range missiles and nuclear bombs on helping revive bankrupted factories, creating jobs for us workers, the situation in the country would not be as deplorable and dire…the multitudes of unemployed workers and jobless youths would not be wondering the streets aimlessly and hopelessly. The cog wheels of the factories would have been operating and together, united, we would have made Iran prosperous.”

So the real gathering of the workers will NOT take place in front of the ex-U.S. embassy but at 10 A.M., in front of the Social Security Organization in Tehran.”
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