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Monday, June 26, 2006

Islamic Society of Isfahan University is Shut

Sara Isfahani, Rooz Online:
As the regime pursues its policies of confronting student activists and members of student Islamic societies, which is the center for activities of protesting students, the Islamic society of Isfahan University was shut by official order.

According to a Rooz reporter, following the events at Tehran’s Amir Kabir University that led to unrest and the intervention of pressures groups, the president of Isfahan University cancelled the elections of the Islamic society of the university and issued a decree closing the society altogether.

The new wave of crackdown of Islamic societies that began with Tehran’s Amir Kabir University has rapidly spread to other parts of the country. There are reports that the minister of science has sent a confidential circular to the presidents of all universities across Iran requesting them to cancel any elections in them if the elections cannot be rigged or candidates disqualified.