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Saturday, June 10, 2006

Ministry shocked by U.S. comments on Russia's position on Iran

RIA Novosti:
The Russian Foreign Ministry said Saturday it was shocked by comments from the United States ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, who accused the Russian leadership of being split over the Iranian nuclear issue. READ MORE

The ministry said Moscow is actively involved in international efforts to solve the problem through diplomatic channels, and holds a unified position that Iran must not obtain nuclear weapons, while supporting the right of the country to develop peaceful nuclear power.

The statement said Russia was pleased with the "balanced and responsible announcements in recent days from American representatives in support of restarting the talks on Iran's nuclear program in the new format, which the United States recently expressed its willingness to join."

"In this context, the 'revelation' made by Mr Bolton on the alleged lack of consensus within the Russian leadership on the issue of the Iranian nuclear program is very unexpected," the Foreign Ministry said.

"Those in Washington who support finding a political-diplomatic solution, which we would hope includes John Bolton, need international support, including from Russia" the statement said.