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Monday, June 05, 2006

Presidential Aide: Jewish People Are Historically Accused of Corruption

Shervin Shareie, Rooz Online:
On a visit to Gilan University president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s advisor Mohammad Ali Ramin said to a group of students in the town of Rasht, “Ten years ago when I brought up the issue of the Holocaust for the first time in this country, my goal was to defend the Jewish people. But among the Jews there have always been those who killed God’s prophets and who opposed justice and righteousness. Throughout history, this religious group has inflicted the most damage on the human race, while some of its groups engaged in plotting against other nations and ethnic groups to cause cruelty, malice and wickedness.”

Historically, there are many accusations against the Jews. For example it was said that they were the source for such deadly disease as the plague and typhus. This is because the Jews are very filthy people. For a time people also said that they poisoned water wells belonging to Christians and thus killed them,” Ramin said. READ MORE

Ramin also pointed that there were other plots that powerful people used to mislead public opinion around the world. “When the Islamic Revolution of Iran succeeded and attracted many people around the world including Christians, the AIDS epidemic came about and fear again overtook the world. After the September 11 attacks the deadly epidermis broke out which was destroyed when the US invaded Afghanistan. On the eve of the invasion of Iran SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) illness broke out but disappeared after the invasion,” he said.

Ramin also claimed that that the spread of bird flu was a conspiracy plot cause by the failure of America, Israel and Britain in the Middle East. Ramin pointed out that to cover up and hide their failures, these countries have spread the news about the bird flu to preoccupy and distract public opinion for some 5 to 6 months. “Nobody asks how a bird that had the flu could fly from Australia to Siberia,” he said, adding that even the Iranian minister of health had claimed to have stopped the disease at Iran’s borders. He claimed the holocaust story and bird flu rumors are interrelated. He attributed the killing of millions of chicken was to control the price and amount chicken in the market.

While acknowledging not knowing the source of these events around the world, Ramin said,I only know that Jews have been accused of such conspiracies and sabotage throughout history and have not performed well.”

And repeating the president’s claims about the Holocaust, he presented four theories that are presented in its support.

The first is that in order to deny the Germans the ability to increase their power, “the British and Americans present them as a human-burning nation.”

The second theory is that the Americans and the British have cocked up this story with the Zionists so as to create the state of Israel
in the middle of the Islamic world and thus control the Islamic world on the Holocaust pretext, and getting rid of the Jews from Europe.

The third hypothesis relates to the traditional animosity between Christians and the Jews. “The US, Britain with the cooperation of France, Russia and Germany and because of their Christian leanings and its animosity with the Jews, launched the idea of the Holocaust after the Second World War to scare off the Jews and sent them to what is now Israel in order to get rid of them in Europe and America,” he said. He further said that the movement that created Israel is in fact against the Jews.

The fourth theory relates to covering up the crimes of the US and Britain. He claimed that Britain had killed some 100 million red Indians in the last 300 years and the US had leveled Hiroshima, which he said were the real Holocausts.

Claiming that the Holocaust was the principal reason why Palestine was occupied while Israel was the main cause of crises and catastrophe in the Middle East. So long as Israel exists in the region there will never be peace and security in the Middle East,” he said adding, So the resolution of the Holocaust issue will end in the destruction of Israel.”

Turning to president Ahmadinejad’s comments on the Holocaust, Ramin said that he criticized the president for making those comments. “We do not know whether the Holocaust existed or not and so must find out in order to defend the suffered party. My suggestion to him was to set up an investigative committee on this to collect the supporting documents,” he said.