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Friday, July 21, 2006

Mullah Rafsanjani: The issues are beyond those of Lebanon & Hezbollah

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi. More.
Mullah Rafsanjani, in his usual Friday prayer spectacle took issue with the international community’s stance and especially Arab countries, vis-à-vis Hezbollah. Rafsanjani protested and incriminated, and confessing to the direct involvement of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the recent crisis in the Middle East, he said: "Our main problem goes beyond Lebanon and Palestine."

Rafsanjani took to directly attacking Kofi Annan, the secretary general of the United Nations and said: "The secretary-general of the United Nations has designs and plans that are most accommodating to Israel."

Mullah Rafsanjani expressed concern that he along with Bashar Asad and Hassan Nasrallah are now left alone in the region and added: "Why have other Islamic countries maintained their silence in regards to the disaster in Lebanon and have not even condemned [Israel]."

Rafsanjani called the disarming of the Lebanese Hezbollah as a blow to the Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria and with concern said "Israel is developing a more important scenario than this." READ MORE

Rafsanjani continued his diatribe, turning to regime’s nuclear issue. He complained that he found the international community’s stance regarding the suspension of their Uranium enrichment insulting and said:Accepting a proposal submitted by Europe to the Islamic Republic to surrender ourselves is the typical of their cruel treatment of us."

In closing, Rafsanjani described his enemies and rivals within the Islamic regime as shady and corrupt, adding: "I plainly see characters in sensitive and key positions of responsibility and are acting against the recommendation of the leadership who clearly specifies that our unity and integrity are required; these people are sewing seeds of dissension and conflict which we deem as a mortal sin.”

Rafsanjani who is the head of the Islamic regime’s expediency council, said on July 12th, during a gathering of the 100 year anniversary of the constitutional revolution: “If we do not heed the experiences obtained during the constitutional revolution, we will be in trouble. If the clergy is tampered with, horrible things can happen. [We] can end up facing the same judgment and retribution that Sheikh Fazlollah Nouri* met with. It is quite possible that the very same thing can happen in our era. We must adamantly scan the situation; today, our enemies are much more sophisticated than they were in the past.”

* An early 20th century Muslim cleric, Sheikh Fazlollah Nouri was vigorously opposed to Iran’s first democratic movement, the Constitutional Revolution of 1905-11. He was found guilty of treason against the people and parliament of Iran and was sentenced to death. His own son put the noose around his neck and he was hung on July 31st, 1909. (See photo).