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Friday, July 28, 2006

UN Gives Iran Nuke Deadline
A resolution to be proposed to the UN Security Council by six major powers would give Iran until August 31 to halt uranium enrichment, US Ambassador John Bolton said Friday.

If Iran does not comply, the council would then consider possible sanctions, Mr Bolton told reporters at the UN headquarters. A text of the resolution is to be distributed to the 15 nations on the council later Friday and a vote could be carried out early next week, the US envoy said.

Mr Bolton said the resolution would be "a mandatory command" to comply with International Atomic Energy Agency orders to halt uranium enrichment, a key component in nuclear weapons production. READ MORE

Iran says its nuclear programme is peaceful but has refused to end its nuclear activities.

Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States - the five permanent members of the Security Council - drew up the draft resolution with Germany.

Britain, France and Germany have made an offer of economic and political incentives to Iran to halt its nuclear production. Iran has said it will not reply before August 22.