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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Wednesday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 8.9.2006:

Pakistan warns Iran of India's support for Iranian rebels.
  • Hindustan Times reported that Pakistan has asked Iran to monitor the Indian consulate in the Iranian border city of Zahidan, alleging it was aiding nationalist rebels in the southwest Balochistan province.
Has Hezbollah's war become a propaganda bonanza for Iran?
  • The Guardian argued that the war in Lebanon has become a propaganda tool for Iran.
Iran opposes UN resolution on Lebanon.
  • Radio Free Europe reported that Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki described a U.S.-French draft UN resolution on the Mideast conflict as "an operation against Lebanon."
Why the Israel/Hezbollah war affords an opportunity.
  • Michael Oren, The Wall Street Journal argued why the Israel/Hezbollah war affords the world an unprecedented opportunity to establish a new paradigm for combating Islamic extremism.
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • The Washington Post reported that with deadlines approaching, the State Department said it has seen no indications that Iran plans to comply with U.N. demands that it suspend enrichment of uranium, a key step in making nuclear weapons.
  • TCS Daily reported that it was in fact exactly one month ago that the authors wrote a column whose prescience and eerie timing surprised even its authors.
  • Cox & Forkum published a cartoon: Changement de Rythme.