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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Iran Freedom Concert

Iran Freedom Concert:
Former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami is coming to Harvard on Sunday, September 10, to lecture on "The Ethics of Tolerance in the Age of Violence."

Yet President Khatami himself presided over a brutal crackdown against Iranian students, with security forces murdering dozens of students, maiming hundreds, and imprisoning hundreds more. Under Khatami's rule newspapers were shut down, dissidents were silenced, and students like you were imprisoned for exercising their basic right to protest.

We will exercise our rights to do what our counterparts in Iran have been imprisoned for: Real dialogue means holding Khatami accountable for the horrendous treatment of students that occurred under his rule. We will stand up for Civil Rights in Iran by demanding the release from imprisoned student activist Ahmed Batebi and all prisoners of conscience in Iran.

Stand in solidarity with fellow students in Iran and hold Khatami accountable for his human rights abuses:

WHO: Leading Iranain activists Ala Khaki and Lily Mazahery, representatives from the Harvard College Democrats and Republicans, and members of the Iran Freedom Concert Coalition.

WHAT: Non-violent student rally outside of the hall where Khatami is speaking.

WHERE: John F. Kennedy Park (next to the Kennedy School of
Government, 79 John F. Kennedy Rd., Cambridge, MA, 02138)

WHEN: This Sunday, September 10, at 3:00 p.m

WHY: Students in America, and around the world, have an obligation to stand up for their Iranian counterparts who have been arrested and tortured on Mr. Khatami's orders.

BRING: Signs (both English and Farsi encouraged). Examples include:
  • "Promote 'dialogue' at home before you lecture us at Harvard"
  • "Release Ahmed Batebi"
  • "Civil Rights for All in Iran!"
Bring friends, too!