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Monday, September 04, 2006

Monday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 9.4.2006:

2nd most powerful Ayatollah in Iran: The Islamic Republic is the only legitimate nation on earth.
  • Amir Taheri, Asharq Alawsat reported that Ali-Akbar Meshkini, the second most powerful Ayatollah in Iran, Meshkini said "Among all the governments in the world, the only legitimate government endorsed by the Almighty is the Islamic Republic of Iran." There cannot be give-and-take between "an extension of God" and an "illegitimate and oppressive regimes." A must read.
  • Ardeshir Dolat reported that Seyed Yahya Safavi, the head of the Revolutionary Guards Corps said “The Islamic world will soon become a major world superpower.”
Koffi given the brush off in Iran.
  • The Telegraph reported that Iran brushed aside Kofi Annan's efforts to mediate in the crisis over its nuclear ambitions.
  • The Australian reported that Iran's foreign ministry spokesman said the scale of the Holocaust has been "greatly exaggerated."
  • Reuters reported that Iran said the threat of sanctions was a "psychological game" aimed at putting pressure on the Islamic Republic over its nuclear program.
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • Iran Focus reported that Iran’s air force has begun a series of military maneuvers in the north-western province of East Azerbaijan. During the drills, Iran’s air defense systems also successfully targeted and destroyed “enemy planes in radar-blackout areas in Iranian airspace.
  • Amir Taheri, Arab News explains why there cannot be a Bush 'Moment' in Iran, similar to Nixon's in China.