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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Iran plots Ramadan infiltration in Iraq

Donald H. Rumsfeld similarly said there has been "a lot of meddling" by Iranians in Iraq.
"They clearly want to affect the outcome of the election, and they are aggressively trying to do that," he said. "They're sending money in, they're sending weapons in, and they're notably unhelpful."
Ayatollah Ganje'i said Iran had devised a two-pronged strategy to take over the country: first, by opening charities, clinics and health care centers to win the hearts of the local people, and second, by spreading armed underground cells that would conduct strikes against coalition forces.

Iraqi Defense Minister Hazem Shaalan declared that the Iranian intrusion had been "vast and unprecedented since the establishment of the new Iraqi state." He said Iranians had "penetrated the country's sensitive centers and set up many intelligence and security centers."

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