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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Iran and Europe Negotiate to Try to Save Nuclear Agreement

The Iranians continue to push for more concessions from the EU. Here are a few excerpts of the NY Times report from Vienna:
Iran and its European partners struggled Friday to salvage their agreement committing Tehran to freeze an important part of its nuclear program, European and Iranian officials said. But the two sides were so far apart that their talks were put off until Monday....

The International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations body responsible for monitoring nuclear activities, says it is awaiting a formal letter from Tehran pledging not to operate the centrifuges before the agency certifies that Iran's suspension of its uranium enrichment programs is complete. Only then will the agency's 35-country governing board pass a resolution stating that Iran is cooperating.

On Friday, Iranian and agency officials were negotiating a face-saving compromise under which Iran would switch off the 20 centrifuges but not allow them to be physically sealed by the I.A.E.A. Rather, the idea would be to put them under camera surveillance. more