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Saturday, February 26, 2005

Saturday’s Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 2.26.2005:

Jeffrey Bergner, writing for the Weekly Standard in an article called: The Least Bad Iran Option makes a compelling argument that the present EU3/Iran negotiations will end with the US being blamed for its failure. He ends regrettably with the military option as the likely alternative.

But there is a fourth option.

Upon failure of the negotiations the US and Europe adopt a "regime change policy" and begin supporting the Iranian people who are calling for a referendum on their form of government. The people of Iran have been seeking this kind of support for years now and with the recent events in the Ukraine and Lebanon appear to be a real option.

This summer the world will witness the lack of support the regime has inside of Iran. The people of Iran will likely refuse to participate in their so called elections, just as they did in their last elections where only 12% bothered to participate. With united international support the people can take to the streets and bring down this government.

This is exactly what the Iranian people have been pleading for. Will we continue to turn a deaf ear? I think not. In fact, I believe this is exactly the course the President has laid out for Iran, as I have predicted earlier.

I believe it will be a very hot summer in Iran.

Here are a few of items you may have missed.

  • While members of the screen actor’s guild celebrate with “Iranian caviar after the Oscars, an Iranian reminds us of the cost to the Iranian people.
  • The Russians head off to Iran to sign it’s nuclear fuel deal. But suddenly the signing has been postponed. Once again, Iran is making it clear that its nuclear enrichment program is not negotiable.
  • Iranians want the US to join the EU3/Iran negotiations.
  • The US has given the EU3 and Iran until June to complete its negotiations. I expect the US to aggressively push for regime change in Iran in June, if not before. Thus this is well timed and to be expected.
  • Middle East Quarterly profiles one of the most famous Iranian Student dissidents.
  • The Wall Street Journal thinks President Bush is following in Reagan’s footsteps.
  • The European Parliament is censuring Iran for its human rights violations and recommending the UN act. They even quote President Bush’s call for liberty. They also call for declassifying the MEK from their terrorist lists.
  • And finally, Iran Focus has published some interesting letters to President Bush from Iranian students.