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Sunday, February 27, 2005

Sunday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 2.27.2005:
ABC News is reporting that Iran has now acquired all it needs to produce nuclear weapons.

The report continues: A confidential position paper being circulated by the Americans to the other board members and shared in part with the AP called for a new written report on Iran by the board's June meeting. Furthermore, it urged that meeting to "take further action if needed" against Iran in effect a demand that Tehran be hauled before the U.N. Security Council if there is any indication it was defying the agency board on nuclear matters.

A separate U.S. document outlined the need for a "Special Committee" to deal with nations violating the Nonproliferation Treaty which Washington says Iran has done. That committee could "make recommendations to the board" to report suspect nations to the Security Council, said the document seen by the AP.
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