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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Wednesday Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports:

The movement towards a referendum in Iran has picked up American support. Iranian expert, Michael Ledeen recently came out in support of the referendum movement. Yesterday our friend Roger L Simon did the same.

Regime Change Iran is also in support of the referendum movement and will soon be announcing a campaign we will be launching on the blogosphere.

Here are a few of the often overlooked headlines.

  • Ayatollah’s and clerics and their websites.
  • A leading member of Iran’s Hezbollah says Iran will produce an atomic bomb.
  • Why Iraq’s Shiites wont follow the Iranian lead.
  • Iran’s Kharrazi still hoping for a breakthrough in their of Nuclear Deal With EU.
  • Senator McCain grumbles that Europeans “haven't budged one inch.”
  • Are the Jihadists in Iraq in a retreat?
  • Carolyn Glick lays out the options regarding Iran.
  • Iranians voters refusal to vote in their last elections a sign of things to come this summer?
  • The Belmont Club thinks they know who killed, Rafiq Hariri.
  • Once again (22nd time) the WTO rejects Iran’s application to become a member.
  • US drones over Iran? wapo says yes, US says no drones, Iran says yes there are.
  • And finally, Michael Ledeen declares These Are Revolutionary Times. I believe he is right.
  • UPDATE: There have been reports of an explosion near the southern Iranian port city of Dailam. Inital reports were that the explosion came from an unmanned aircraft. Read our report here.