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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Inside Iran: We even do not know how to entertain ourselves

Adventures of Mr.Behi, and Iranian blogger reports:
Last night, was to be celebrated as the eve of the last Wednesday of the year. Traditionally, there are nice customs like jumping through fire, singing, dancing, etc. I remember when I was a child, It was one of the happiest days of each year. READ MORE

We used to have little fires, a few crackers enjoying the time. I also recall that from the very first, the Islamic government was kind of not supportive to this as probably there was not anything religious in that!

Now this decent traditional is transformed in a wired way as if the young generation is using it as a weapon against the orders of anti-fun system.

You hear enormous explosions everywhere and there is no sign of those happy moments. We did not go out because something could have happen to our health! Whatever good, when is banned, misleads. People need fun.