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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Iran has 40,000 agents in Iraq on payroll

Iran Focus:
The Iranian regime has at least 40,000 agents in Iraq on its payroll, according to a report broadcast by an Iranian opposition television.

Simaye Azadi, a Persian-language satellite television network close to the opposition National Council of Resistance, said it had obtained documents from Fajr Garrison of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which showed that the Islamic republic was running a vast underground network in Iraq with 40,000 agents on its payroll.

Fajr Garrison, near the southwestern Iranian city of Ahwaz, is the principal headquarters of the Revolutionary Guards in southern Iran. The top commanders of the IRGC’s elite Qods (Jerusalem) Force running Iran’s vast clandestine operations in southern Iraq are based in this garrison.

The agents receive their salaries on a monthly basis, the television report said. When the salaries were reduced by nine dollars recently, there were many complaints from the agents, it said.

The monthly payments are smuggled into Iraq by the leaders of the network inside Iraq, who travel to Ahwaz every month for this purpose and for debriefings by senior Qods Force commanders.