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Monday, March 14, 2005

U.S.: Carrier Groups Converging in the Middle East?


The U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt is on the move in the Atlantic Ocean, possibly headed for the Mediterranean Sea. The Roosevelt's movements could lead to the convergence of three U.S. carrier battle groups in the Middle East, where tensions are escalating over Syrian involvement in Lebanon and Iranian statements about its nuclear program. With three carrier battle groups in the region, the United States would send a strong message and give leaders in Tehran and Damascus more to think about. read more


The United States could be in the process of moving two more aircraft carrier battle groups to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf. With the USS Harry S. Truman already in the Persian Gulf, the additional carriers would combine to create a formidable U.S. military force in the region. This development would not be lost on the leaders of Syria and Iran, two countries at loggerheads with the United States over Lebanon and nuclear weapons.

The Truman has been on station in the Persian Gulf since November 2004 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Outbound from Singapore, the USS Carl Vinson is currently crossing the Indian Ocean. It originally was expected to return to the Western Pacific Ocean, where it had been operating, but instead it turned west and headed for the Indian Ocean.

The USS Theodore Roosevelt has just completed an air-wing certification, one of the last steps before a major deployment. The carrier has a history in the Mediterranean, including combat operations over the Balkans during Operation Allied Force. If the Roosevelt is indeed headed to the Mediterranean, it will be the first time since February 2004 that there have been as many as three U.S. aircraft carriers in Middle Eastern waters.

Each of the three Nimitz-Class carriers can operate an air wing of about 85 fighter, attack, antisubmarine, airborne-early-warning and rotary-wing aircraft. The strike aircraft are capable of deploying precision-guided munitions and, with aerial refueling, can operate far from their carrier. The battle groups are self-sufficient and can operate almost indefinitely in the region.

Because of budget constraints, the actual number of aircraft on each carrier is likely less than 85, but three carrier air wings would nevertheless represent a formidable force in the region. Indeed, the air wings on each of these carriers are more powerful than most militaries in the region. Given the atrophied state of Syria's military, one of these air wings would be sufficient to eliminate Damascus' ability to project power in Lebanon. Similarly, one carrier air wing would be capable of causing significant damage to Iran's nuclear facilities.

The carriers' air wings would compliment an already powerful U.S. military presence in the Middle East, which includes major air bases in Turkey, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Diego Garcia. In addition to the more than 100,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, the 15th and 22nd Marine Expeditionary units are located in the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean, respectively.

With two or more carrier air wings in the waters around the Middle East, Washington would have more options should it decide to take military action against Iran or Syria. While this is unlikely in the immediate future, the presence of such a formidable force gives the United States leverage to influence events in Lebanon.