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Thursday, March 03, 2005

US Official Says Iran, Syria 'Against All Of Us'

Reuters, ABC News Online:
The United States has kept up the pressure on Iran and Syria, with a senior White House security official urging the international community to demand that Tehran and Damascus stop supporting terrorism.

"State sponsors of terrorism such as Iran and Syria are with the terrorists and therefore against all of us," said Frances Townsend, homeland security adviser to President George W Bush.

"From this day forward the community of nations must be united in demanding a complete end to the state sponsorship of terrorism," she told the Club of Madrid, a group of former government leaders, in a luncheon speech.

"If you write a check, if you provide a safe house, if you allow your laws to remain weak and if you fail to pass critical information to your neighbours about terrorists ... if you knowingly allow terrorists to move freely through your country - you have sided with extremism and against the free world," Ms Townsend said.