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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Horrific scenario: NYC hit by terrorist nuke BOOKS EXCERPT, PART 3
Horrific scenario: NYC hit by terrorist nuke
'Atomic Iran' presents second-by-second description of feared attack

Editor's note: Written by the best-selling author of "Unfit for Command," Jerome Corsi, "Atomic Iran," WND Books' latest release, presents clear and convincing evidence of Iran's goal to acquire nuclear weapons and the risk such a scenario poses to the U.S. and the West. In this third and final excerpt from his blockbuster, Corsi presents a hair-raising description of what would happen should terrorists detonate a Tehran-inspired improvised nuclear device in Manhattan. Corsi has dubbed the hypothetical attack Operation IND.

Read Part 1, "Sleeper cells in America."

Read Part 2, "Terrorists' weapon of choice."