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Thursday, April 07, 2005

Iran opposition declares end to mullah rule

Ron Strom of today published an article about yesterday's post on the The 70 million people of Iran who released a letter warning world governments that as of Jun 16th all contracts with Iran will be considered "null and void." The article credits this blog as the source of the story and adds a statement by Dr. Jerome Corsi:
Corsi agrees with the intent of the resistance letter, but says he isn't familiar with the group that generated it.

"The mullahs need to get out of town," he told WND. "They're an illegitimate regime that has been oppressing the Iranian people, and it's time for them to go."

"I'm in support of what the letter is calling for," Corsi said.

Corsi says he's spearheading an Iran Freedom Walk beginning May 15 at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia and ending in Washington, D.C. He invites all who support peaceful change in Iran to join him and members of an organization he helped form, the Iran Freedom Foundation.