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Monday, May 30, 2005

Another so-called suicide in Iran

SMCCDI (Information Service):
The body of a young man who was hanged from a tree has been found in the rebellious City of Eslamshahr which is one of the poor suburbs of the Iranian Capital.

Authorities are declaring the cause of death as "suicide" which is one of the most common labels used by the Islamic regime in order to justify the murders of its non-famous opponents.

The name of this new victim has been announced as "Esmaeel".

Eslamshahr has become a bastion of resistance against the Islamic regime and scene of violent clashes with its security forces.

Two SMCCDI members named "Akram Hassan-Zadeh" in 2002 and "Amir-Hooman Joorak" in 2003 were also murdered by the regime but declared as having "committed suicide".

Hassan-Zadeh was a female student who officially committed suicide after taking breakfast at the university's cafeteria and on her way to her room and Joorak, younger son of the maverick Iranian singer Marjan and film director Joorak, supposedly "hanged himself for emotional problems".

In reality Hassan-Zadeh had sent an e.mail to the Movement asking for an emergency exit from Iran due to her believe of having been identified and Joorak had sent an email stating to have in his possession a video tape of a party, in Dubai, which was proving the links existing between some US based satellite TV networks and regime's officials.

The two comrades were courageous activists with iron will and strong hope of seeing the end of the Islamic regime. Amir-Hooman's older brother was officially executed in late 80s by the Islamic regime for armed opposition.