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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Iran Freedom Walk: Day 1 report and photos

Iran Freedom Foundation:

The Iran Freedom Walk started on a clear spring day across the street from the site of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. Dr. Jerry Corsi answered questions from members of the media before starting on his planned 18-day walk to Washington DC. READ MORE

Mr. Assadolah Morovati, who founded KRSI radio in Los Angeles and pioneered Iranian broadcasting in the U.S., spoke directly to the Iranian people in Farsi. He recalled the 26 years of brutal rule in Iran by the mullahs, and said that today we are at a crossroads, with an unprecedented opportunity to act together to remove them. He said that the people of Iran are ready, and we in America are obligated to provide what support we can. Mr. Morovati expressed his hope that by June 17, the date of the presidential election in Iran, the rule of the mullahs would be at an end.

Dr. Kamal Azari, chairman of the Iran Freedom Foundation, spoke next, emphasizing the need for a peaceful transition in Iran. He said that Iranians must unite to show the world they are ready for freedom and democracy.

Dr. Corsi then addressed supporters, describing the mullahs as a "criminal Mafia" who have hijacked Iran and the religion of Islam. He noted that they have exported terror around the world for 26 years, and said that they certainly cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons. Dr. Corsi described the upcoming June 16 elections as "a fraud" and said that he and the Iran Freedom Foundation will support whatever form of peaceful protest against the regime the Iranian people choose.

At the conclusion of his speech, Dr. Corsi dipped his finger into red paint, as a symbol of the suffering of the Iranian people under the mullahs. He said he looks forward to the day when he can replace the red with purple, the color marking the fingers of those who voted in the first free elections in Iraq, and now an international symbol of freedom in the Middle East.

With his family and supporters at his side, Dr. Corsi then took the first steps of the 200 mile, 18-day journey that will lead to Freedom Plaza in Washington DC.

The end of Day 1 finds Dr. Corsi in Devon, PA, midway between Malvern and Radnor, about 4 miles north of the original target of Newtown Square on a slightly revised route, having covered a solid 16 miles.