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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Iran that rushes

Iranian blogger Lilit (she is living in Italy), translated by Stefania Le Penna:
Dear friends,

How you may see I almost stopped writing, I do not know how to react in front of so much indifference on the part of the European media. Not because of the elections' outcome, but because of what might come next.

In reality I don't care about the elections per sè. I did not vote, I never voted ( when she was in Iran) and I will never vote as long as this regime is in power. I am sorry for the iranian people who who cannot express themselves, nobody listens to us anymore. All italian broadcasting corporation news 24 was able to do was to air a report on the Mujahedin (a sect of fanatical islamists that was unable to form an alliance with khomeini and resorted to the armed struggle against the regime, killing iranian soldiers and even civilians), calling them " the symbol of the iranian exiles". It is a shame!Shame on it for their ( Rai News 24 ) ignorance and desinformation !

Even the "reformists", those who are so beloved by Europe (at least until last day ) denounced the electoral farce. Yesterday other two newspapers were closed !

The site Peiknet received on June 18 an anonymous letter from a 27-year old Basiji who declared that he voted 11 times, with 8 fake Identity cards, because the supreme Leader wanted him to do so. It is an order of war, it changes the field of battle, the leader says. It is called Operation Nasr, he said in the letter, "islam is in danger and it is necessary to save it by any means" ! Let us forget it, I can do nothing ...

Here's the joke of the century or perhaps the millennium, and what a shame !! "Iran: second ballot Friday between liberals and reformists" (who are the liberals and who are the reformists?) Reuters calls Ahmadinejad the "secular candidate", I do not know if I should laugh or cry!

Thanks you all . I know that you come here to get some more information. But, believe me, I do not know where we are heading so far ..

Talk to you soon.