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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Tuesday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 6.21.2005:

The Iranian Student Union, Tahkeem Vahdat, calls for a boycott of the bogus elections, this regime is not reformable

Iran Press News:
The University Student offices of Tahkeem'eh Vahdat has sent out a bulletin reiterating it's stance: "based on an all points boycott of this bogus election and the immovability and unreformability of the regime ruling over Iran; we consider this fake election to be disastrous, highly restrictive and utterly ineffective and the office of the president should be castigated for this pathetic show of force." READ MORE
The students of Iran are speaking, loud and clear. Tahkeem'eh Vahdat is an important student group inside of Iran. This is an important development.

Here are a few other news items you may have missed.