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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Live update from Iran

Radio Sedaye Iran, Hat Tip to the persiandissident.
On the PHONE Live, I am transcribing:
  • People are dancing in the streets of Iran and screaming "Down with dictatorship."
  • It's like a wedding.
  • In Tehran traffic completely stopped.
  • People are leaving the cars and dancing.
  • Tearing up campaign posters....
  • Mid-town...
  • People everywhere dancing...
  • People everywhere....
  • Laughing, dancing...
  • NO ELECTION POSTERS left anywhere ....
  • No police, basijii , so people dancing....
  • He wants to walk towards the prison....
  • Reza Pahlavi, going on a 3 day hunger strike...
  • You can hear people on the phone.....
  • Cars completely stopped and are walking...
  • Burning posters being found...
  • People "guns, tanks, no use" screaming against candidates....
  • Karrubi, Rafsanjani pictures ablaze....
I am being told that the people are in the streets in massive numbers.