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Monday, June 13, 2005

Protest tomorrow in front of the infamous Evin Prison

Farideh Nicknazar, Iran Scan:
The Association of Writers in Iran has called for a protest and sit-in in front of the Evin Prison in Tehran tomorrow to show their solidarity with political prisoners. This happens on June 14, from 4–6 pm. The families of political prisoners and student associations are also joining in.

The number of political prisoners on hunger strike has reached 17. Some of them like Mr. Naser Zarafshan are on their 6th day of a hunger strike and his health is deteriorating. Mr. Zarafshan has been in prison for three years. Among the political prisoners on hunger strike is journalist Akbar Ganji who just returned to prison to commence his 6th year in prison.

Last time (earlier in June) a group of family members protested in front of Evin prisoners they were arrested and jailed. Among those arrested was Mr. Zarafsahn‘s wife, Homa Zarafshan. READ MORE

Support for these brave political prisoners is coming from many different political directions. Three days ago, Reza Pahlavi, the oldest son of the late Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, announced he will hold a three-day fast on behalf of political prisoners in Iran to show his support for their cause. Ironically, his father was ousted for many reasons but most importantly for having many political prisoners in his own prisons.

The only candidate speaking about the political prisoners has been Mr. Moin. Just yesterday, the spokeswoman for Mostafa Moin told reporters that if Moin gets elected, he will free political prisoners.

But will he really have the power to do so?
The blogosphere should stand with these brave people. Together we can make sure the mainstram media takes notice and perhaps those brave souls in Iran.