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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Tahkeem Vahdat: Boycott the bogus elections, this regime is not reformable

Iran Press News:
The University Student offices of Tahkeem'eh Vahdat has sent out a bulletin reiterating it's stance: "based on an all points boycott of this bogus election and the immovability and unreformability of the regime ruling over Iran; we consider this fake election to be disastrous, highly restrictive and utterly ineffective and the office of the president should be castigated for this pathetic show of force." READ MORE

In several parts of this bulletin, the members of Tahkeem'eh Vahdat have referred to this as a filthy stain on Khatami's departing report card and went on to say that Khatami showed once again that he never had the will to defend and protect the most evident rights of the people of Iran to the ruling powermongers in the country.

They have also expressed grave concern over the widespread cheating in the bogus elections, faking numbers and stats, ballot stuffing and the general air of duplicity that surrounds the entire affair. They also mention that for months before the so-called election, the standard election number of eligible voters in the country was 48,500,000 but from two day prior to the event, two million people were disqualified from participating so that they can exhibit the most distorted possible combinations.

The office of Tahkeem'eh Vahdat also states while condemning, that the entire reason for Revolutionary Guard Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (who is a known assassin of the Mullahs and has killed many freedom-fighters outside Iran on orders of the Guardian Council and others) was brought in to the elections was to horrify and terrorize Iranians into forcing them into voting for Rafsanjani. They go on to say that terrorizing the people of the country into voting is far from any form of progress toward Democracy. The mistake made by the "reformists" in the primaries was also to scare people into voting against the hardliners.

This organization goes on to add that at least the civic courage of our people still remains in tact and not everything is caught up in the fray of the elections; it is imperative that people are not rendered defenseless and petrified against these powermongering despots.
The students of Iran are speaking, loud and clear. Tahkeem'eh Vahdat is an important student movement inside of Iran. This is an important development.