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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Attacking Iran, A Subject for G8 Leaders

Iranian blog, Roozonline:
Two days before the G8 summit, rumor has it the U.S. will arrive with plans in tow for military action against Iran. A scenario that has gained credence with the recent election of extremist president-elect Ahmadinejad. Military analysts claim regions along Iran's border have already been earmarked for such action. Reuters news agency reports that on top of the Summit's agenda is Iran and the G8's concerns over that country's nuclear program, its support for terrorism and its human rights violations. READ MORE

With the added concern of Mr. Ahmadinejad's as president and head of state in Iran, analysts are drawing parallels with the G8 meeting held some twenty-seven years ago in Guadalupe. Discussions held during that meeting and the resulting actions culminated in the Shah's abdication of power and Khomeini's rule.

Tehran's Reaction

In Iran the diplomatic news agency Kar reported that the G8 leaders' discourse revolves around Mr. Ahmadinejad whom they regard as an extremist. The Arab news agency Al-Jazireh in a report on the region described recent U.S. activities along Iran's borders as the beginning of a clandestine battle with the Islamic Republic.

The War Has Begun

Baztab, an internet site reportedly run by the Pasdaran military forces, states that the conflict with the U.S. has in effect already begun since that country has stationed unmanned planes nearby and violated Iran's air space.

President Bush has used his increased powers since 9/11 to launch several initiatives including the CIA's extensive use of the Iranian opposition group Mojahedian Khalgh.