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Saturday, July 02, 2005

Iran press: Writer Urges Gov't To Organize 'Martyr-Seeking' Youths

BBC Monitoring Service, Monsters and Critics: an excerpt of a recent Iranian press story.
Undoubtedly, nobody can sufficiently appreciate the great and honourable Iranian nation that created the magnificent epic of 3 Tir [ 24 June] and disturbed the sleep and dreams of holders of power and wealth throughout the world, and filled the hearts of Imam Mehdi (may God expedite his appearance), the wise leader of the revolution and poor masses of the people, with joy. Let us wish more successes for the nation in walking in the right way and praise God for this great gift.

The introduction of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic states: "
Regarding the Islamic essence of the Iranian revolution as a movement for the victory of all oppressed people over the arrogant powers, the Constitution will prepare the ground for the continuation of this revolution, both at home and abroad, and especially, with expanding international relations with other Islamic and popular movements, will try to pave the way for the foundation of the global unified Umma [Muslim community, originally founded by Muhammad at Medina, comprising individuals bound to one another predominantly by religious ties]."
Furthermore, Article 11 of the Constitution states:
"In accordance with the sacred verse of the Koran ("This your community is a single community, and I am your Lord, so worship Me" [ 21:92]), all Muslims form a single nation, and the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has the duty to formulate its general policies with a view to cultivating the friendship and unity of all Muslim peoples, and it must constantly strive to bring about the political, economic, and cultural unity of the Islamic world."

Following the victory of the glorious Islamic Revolution in 22 Bahman 1357 [ 11 February 1979], we can dare say that the great epic of 3 Tir [ 24 June] was the second step and an important turning point in the history of Islam.

It has been 15 years ago that the camp of arrogant powers led by America, based on theories such as the Samuel Huntington's Clash of Civilizations, and five years with the supremacy of neo-conservatives, that the Bush Administration has waged an overt and extensive assault on the Muslim world, which continues as plans such as the Great Middle East. In this connection, unfortunately, the Islamic Iran, as the pulsating heart of the Muslim world, has not shown proper reaction. For instance, the crucial nuclear case is in an undesirable situation.

However, the Hezbollah Umma that assigned power to an Islamic administration [in the recent presidential election] expect this administration, based teachings of the pure Muhammadan Islam and the Constitution of the Islamic Republic, and according to proper strategies, to organize brave youths of the Muslim world as Islamic movements. This administration, as favours and improves peace and security, must self-confidently and based on the support from self-sacrificing and martyr-seeking youths, revive strength in its foreign policy, and take the third step in line with the foundation of the global unified Umma.

Source: Siyasat-e Ruz, Tehran, in Persian 26 Jun 05 p 12

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The vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran.