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Monday, July 25, 2005

Mahabad Crackdown Reaching New Proportions

Potkin Azarmehr, Iran va Jahan:
Reports from Mahabad state the repression reaching new proportions even beyond what was the norm in the past. The strikes and protests in Mahabad are now in its eighth day. In the last few days the state security forces have attacked the homes of Mahabad citizens, and arrested hundreds of the population. It is rumoured in the town that two youth aged 13 and 18 have died under torture. Thirteen of the tortured are in such a critical state that they have been taken to the hospital which is under the control of the military units.

The city is now under complete general strike. Until 6:00 pm yesterday, large crowds had gathered outside the main prison demanding the return of the bodies of the murdered youth.

In solidarity with the people of Mahabad, the near by towns of Bookan, Saqiz, and Kamyaran have also joined the general strike.

While the new president, Ahmadi-Nejad, continues to flex his muscle, his crimes are going unreported. Not one Western correspondence as yet has gone to Mahabad to view the situation.

Today, Reza Pahlavi issued a statement condemning the brutalities of the Islamic regime in Mahabad and supported the struggle of the Iranian Kurds against the oppression of the Islamic Republic.
The media has failed to report on this story and it has huge significance to the events in Iran. Please write the media and demand coverage of the unrest.

Anyone with an English translation of Reza Pahlavi's statement, please send it to me.