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Friday, July 29, 2005

Regime's Jailors Imprison Political Prisoners with Murderers and Rapists

Iran Press News: Translated by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi. Courtesy of FrontPageMag.
The Islamic regime, which is known for its Chameleon-like shape-shifting abilities (in order to boomerang any blame or accusations), has now begun to imprison political detainees in prison wards where vicious murderers, rapists and felons are held. Jailors who are by now familiar with political prisoners' forms of civil disobedience (i.e. going on hunger strike, like Ganji), often find ways to counteract these protests.

Political detainees who begin such protests while in the criminal wards become the reason for the punishment and forfeiture of rights of all the prisoners of the ward. They provoke violent responses from the incarcerated criminal elements that essentially do the "dirty work" of the jailors for them.

Last month, Akbar Ganji was transferred to a cell in the criminal ward in Evin prison. The jailors had taken the door of the cell off the hinges, leaving Ganji exposed to the threat of an infamous, knife-wielding drug runner who had been brought into the prison, not as a prisoner but as an "employee" of the regime, to terrorize Ganji from the adjacent cell.